
Monday, June 7, 2010

POST SCRIPT: Book Sale Wrap-Up

The Book Sale is over. I am tired, slightly richer, and 10 boxes of books lighter. The fun of talking to other people who love to read is the big attraction for me. (People who drove by without checking out the boxes would not have been interesting anyway!)

My first job was with the Centre County Library. That job helped me form one very bad obsession---the NEED to know what a person is reading. I have been known to ask strangers the title in their hands, much to my family's embarrassment. By having a book sale, not only do I get rid of books and make enough money to buy more, but I get to see who reads what. Always a surprise!

Thank you to everyone who made the Book Sale so much fun----especially Jackie, Denny and Honey.

My husband helped also. He has offered to pay me $50.00 if I promise never to do it again. He ended up doing the heavy grunt work.