
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

BOOK REVIEW: And A Child...

Local author, J. Kelly Poorman, has given us AND A CHILD..., a book with a very timely message. Much has been said and been written on bullying in our schools, but Mr. Poorman has written from a personal point of view.

Hank and Edwin meet when Hank steps in to save the new boy, Edwin, from being attacked by three of their classmates. Hank has been a victim in the past and, risking his own safety, stops the fight by telling the bullies that Edwin has serious martial arts skills-- much to Edwin’s surprise.

As the two boys become friends, they discover that they have more in common than they realized. Hank is being raised by two fathers and Edwin has two mothers. Their friendship helps them to have the courage to make a stand for all of the students who are considered outcasts: the heavy, the skinny, the nerds, the minorities, and the gay/ lesbians. They want the school to be a safe environment for all disenfranchised students.

They also learn about the prejudices against the elderly when they visit Edwin’s father and are responsible for the care of his elderly father. The boys return home to try to start a social group for students who are usually picked on in the halls and after school. It is indeed a case of “And a child will lead them”.

The message of the author is very clear. His characters are well drawn and he has enough of a plot to keep you reading. I did feel that Mr. Poorman deserves a better editor or proof reader. The small mistakes really bothered me. This is not the complete fault of Mr. Poorman, but he needs to be more aware of them to be taken seriously as an author.

Considering what one hears on the street today, the language of students in the book is far from vulgar, but parents may want to be aware that the gay/lesbian scene is part of the story.

J. Kelly Poorman is scheduled for a book signing at Barnes and Noble on the 13th of August from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. It would be a good time to learn of his other books, too.

PS. The “Books, Books, and Other Things You Don’t Need” sale will be July 23rd at 128 East Cherry Lane, behind the Undine parking lot. Stop in if only just to say hello.

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