
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

BOOK REVIEW: The Doll Maker

Richard Montanari writes thrillers. He builds his action as carefully as his lead characters, Detectives Kevin Byrne and Jessica Balzano build their case. In Montanari’s latest offering, THE DOLL MAKER we follow the action through the eyes of not only Byrne and Balzano, but through the eyes of the killer as well.

The first body, a young schoolgirl, is found sitting primly on a freshly painted bench at a deserted train station. Under the bench is a formal invitation to a tea dance. The second murder, in this case twin boys, is found similarly staged with another invitation to an upcoming tea dance. This time though a doll is placed as in witness to the scene. The doll is an exact duplication of the park bench victim.

As the murders continue so do the appearances of the very lifelike dolls. Even though part of the story is told from the viewpoint of two mysterious people, we have to keep up with Kevin, Jessie, and the Philadelphia police force as they work to solve this odd case.

There is so much to like about THE DOLL MAKER. The history of dolls is touched on briefly, but enough to help give some valuable clues as well as to give a short history lesson. I liked that there is some local color throughout Pennsylvania. Montanari places his books in Philadelphia, but his characters do get to other parts of the state. In this case we make it to Rockview State Penitentiary, which happens to be in my backyard.

It is hard to beat a Montanari book for interesting characters, but Anabelle and Mr Marseille are exceptionally well done. At first I thought that I was hearing the voice of a doll, and in a sense, I may have been correct. Their background was fascinating. I also love getting to know characters who make short appearances but become very real. This adds to the suspense when they are the next victim.

Kevin Byrne and Jessica Balzano are the protagonists of Montanari books and you will enjoy getting to know them. I found that once I had met them that I wanted to know them better, hear more of what made them who they are.

This does not mean that THE DOLL MAKER can not be read as a stand alone book.  It only means that once you pick up a book by Richard Montanari, you will want more. This is “thriller” at its best.

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